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Monday, February 27, 2012

I’ve got some work to do!

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These pictures aren’t horrible (other than the fact that they are blurry) but I want them to be better than this.  The last 2 weeks my life has been stress, stress, stress!!!  I am feeling bloated and chubby.  I still haven’t gotten on the scale and I’m determined to eat better this week.  Hopefully some of the stress and craziness will calm down so that my body and mind can focus on health again.  Sadly this is the cycle of daily life.  I am determined not to let my body go and to continue to do what I can to stay healthy.  I did boot-camp class at 5:15am and now my goal is to do a light 5k run without changing speed on the treadmill unless I increase the speed.  I haven’t run much with life being so crazy.  I’ll report back as to how it goes.  Don’t ever give up on your self no matter what!!!


UPDATE: I did it!  I started out the treadmill at 5 miles per hour (12 min/mile) then at 1/4 mile went up to 5.5 miles per hour (10.9 min/mile).  At 2 miles I bumped it up to 6 miles per hour (10 min/mile) then at 2.8 bumped it up to 6.5 miles per hour (9.2 m in/mile) and then at 3.1 miles I took the last tenth of a mile up to 7 miles per hour (8.5 min/mile). Not fast but great for not running for so long. I did a cool down at 4 miles/hour for the last .8 miles to get my heart rate down. Then some stretching.  I wanted to quit so many times but I wrote my goal down here for all of you to see so I wasn’t going to fail. 

I can do hard things!!!

 001Here I am after the run.  2 sweat sessions so far today.  I’ll probably make it 3 by working out tonight while watching TV.  Have a fabulous day and remember YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Featured Blog at TOFW

I have been waiting for this day for several weeks.  I feel overwhelmed with the opportunity to share my journey with many other women.  This journey to health is not easy.  The world and my “natural man” fight against me all day everyday but I persevere.  This body is my temple and I must take care of it.  My Heavenly Father and Savior have been by my side from the beginning.  They have always been there for me. 
You can find my featured blog story over here!
February 22, 2012
Change is hard, especially when it comes to loosing weight to become a healthier YOU! It helps so much to have some encouragement along the way. This blogger wrote a letter to herself to help carry her through the difficult moments of change. Through loving herself, she accomplished something amazing.

This week is particularly tough.  The timing is inspired as if the Lord had a hand in all of this.  Of course He did!  I am in charge of the Blue and Gold Banquet tonight and spent all yesterday evening shopping for it and picking up the rented decorations. Of course my son was sick at lunch and needed to be picked up from school and I had a meal to bring to my neighbor who just had a baby. But the real news yesterday came first thing in the morning when I found out that my husbands Uncle Terry passed away expectantly.  I am so thankful for the knowledge that families can be together forever.  So needless to say I’ve been on the verge of tears all day!

I am also over the 6th Grade Renaissance Faire this Friday.  The funeral happens to be Friday, of course! So I had to run over to the school amidst Daisy Scouts and Ballroom Dance practice to let the teachers know of my situation and to ask for help in replacing me for the event.  I feel like I am letting everyone down but I have to be with the family!  The teachers of course were very understanding and all will be fine. I crawled into bed  at 11:30pm last night after putting together all of the thank-you baskets for my scout leaders.

Oh, life is crazy!  I write this just to show that I am just as normal as everyone else. I still push myself to get out of bed and exercise and try to eat right. When I woke up at 4:45am to go to my boot camp class this morning I laid in bed for 10 min extra trying to decide if it was a good idea to go or not.  My day is so busy with decorating and setting up the gym.  Finishing a few odds and ends and then of course the big event. I just couldn't miss class!  I love the feeling of pushing myself.  I need to push myself, especially since I still emotionally eat on occasion. I was so glad I went.  I needed to sweat and to see the faces of all the others that were there for the same reasons I am, to live a healthier life.  I will be dead on my feet by 10pm tonight when I have finally made it home from what will be an amazing Blue and gold Banquet themed all around our 5 missionaries serving from our Ward. I will get through this week and all the weeks in the future. I'm so thankful for heavenly and earthly angles that are carrying me through this week.

Thanks so much to Time Out For Women for choosing me to be featured.  I love TOFW and the wonderful weekend they give me to recharge my spiritual self each year.  I feel so blessed to be able to share a little of me with you.  I'd love to be of help to any who is looking for answers to questions on how to start their own journey. Please contact me and I'll be one of your cheerleaders!!!

A Little Reminder

The Lord Knows and Loves You Personally


"Did you know that Heavenly Father knows you personally--by name? . . .

"You may not have heard the Lord call you by name, but He knows each one of you and He knows your name. Elder Neal A. Maxwell said. 'I testify to you that God has known you individually . . . for a long, long time (see D&C 93:23). He has loved you for a long, long time. He not only knows the names of all the stars (see Psalm 147:4; Isaiah 40:26); He knows your names and all your heartaches and your joys!' ("Remember How Merciful the Lord Hath Been," Ensign, May 2004, 46)."

Elaine S. Dalton, "He Knows You by Name," Ensign, May 2005, 109-10


Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Inspiration



I needed these to start my week off right.  I can do this and so can you.  Living a healthy life is truly against the ways of the world.  Look around you and you can see greasy fast food everywhere and people looking for the easy way out.  Try what is hard, try to push yourself, overcome you cravings and replace it all with strength.  We are stronger than we give our selves credit for. Fast, pray and keep moving toward your goals.  Make this week better than last week!

I just finished a tough boot camp and although my back hurts and my stomach is complaining,  I am going to hit the treadmill for awhile.  I may just walk but right now that is pushing myself and that’s what I need to do in order to reach my goals!

Update: I did a brisk walk for 3 miles.  What did you do to push yourself?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A New Look

I needed a fresh start after a very rough couple weeks eating.  After a day being pampered with a cut, color and eye brows then a beautiful evening at the Temple with my sweetheart I am ready to begin fresh again.  I haven’t had blonde in my hair for a couple years but I needed a new start.  I need to get back to eating just the healthy good stuff but this had been a week of cake decorating.  I’ll go 6 months with no cakes to make then this week 4 cakes and one is my first ever wedding cake.  I ate so much cake batter and frosting. 

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I should be 10 pounds heavier but I’m not getting on the scale until my body looks a little better in the mirror.  I usually eat the good stuff but lately I’m eating more than I need to and food is so comforting when I am stressed out.  I need a new comfort!  My dear husband helped me remember that heaven is on my side and I need to turn to Them often for help to overcome this.  I can’t even describe how strong the desire to eat is sometimes and I’ve given in too much lately.  Thank goodness tomorrow is a new day and I did much better today than yesterday. 

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Counting Calories

It isn't the easiest thing to count calories but it is important to know what you are putting into your body.  I have learned to read labels.  I read them on everything.  I have often put items back on the shelf after reading the label. For items such as fruits, veggies, and anything homemade I use a couple great websites.  For recipes go here.   For fruits and veggies or any other food go here. You can type any food, even brand name into the search and specify the amount. Good Luck with learning more about what you are eating.  Remember thought that you need good healthy calories not empty calories.  Make sure you are getting enough fiber, whole grains and eating all the colors of the rainbow.  Also drink your water, at least 10 cups!

Friday, February 17, 2012

It Feels SO Good!

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“Working hard becomes a habit, a serous kind of fun. You get self-satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit, knowing that all the effort is going to pay off.”
Mary Lou Retton (gymnastics)

On Monday I pushed myself like never before (except the races I’ve run).  We were asked to do as many push-ups in a min as we could then 4 times throughout the hour better the number.  I first got 59, then 61, then 67 then 70. They weren’t all the best quality push-ups but my arms were bending and I felt every one of them, for 3 days! We still did our regular 4 sets of 30 push-ups also and our regular boot-camp workout.  That’s over 350 push-ups in the hour. I’ve never sweated so much and was on the verge of nauseous at the end.  It felt AMAZING!!!  I need to push myself more often.  What a rush!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Elder Dalton


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Trish Austin has been Jack’s personal Trainer as he has lost weight.  I really wanted to coach Jack through this change but he is a wise man.  He sees me as a “mom” figure and he wanted someone that would push him and that he didn’t already have a close relationship with to be that person for him.  I gave my advice and helped with information and support but Sister Austin transformed this boy. 

I must share how she came to be his trainer. As I sat in their living room weeping with Jack and my best friend Stace (his mom) I thought of the tough road ahead of him.  (Jack was asked to lose a substantial amount of weight before his mission papers would be accepted.) I shared little bits and pieces of what I had learned and knew that there was a reason I had my journey just 2 years before.  I needed to be there for Jack to know that this is possible.  A person can truly change physically and in a short amount of time.  I prayed so hard in my mind that I could tell them what they needed to know. At that time her name came to my mind. Another friend had recently spent a few sessions with Trish and had told me what a great trainer she was.  The only reason she had been to her was because she had won a free month of training.  I do not think it is by chance that these events happened so that I would know what to tell Jack and Stace who they could seek out for more help.  Our Heavenly Father knows ALL and he puts people, Earthly angels, in our path that will help us achieve our goals and to gain even greater happiness.  What a blessing it has been to watch this transformation happen .  Jack is truly ready to serve the Lord! 


Elder Jack Dalton flies out tomorrow to Johannesburg, South Africa and will enter the Missionary Training Center there.  I am so proud of this boy!  My heart is bursting with love, excitement, pride and so many more emotions I can’t describe.  This young man is a spiritual giant.  He has done what he was asked to do in order to serve the Lord and he did an amazing job at it with a fantastic attitude. 

Jack is one of my heroes.  I know how difficult it is to lose weight.  I can’t imagine being 19 years old, working full-time and losing weight at the same time. The people of South Africa will be greatly blessed by Elder Dalton. 

I committed to Jack that when he returns in 2 years that I won't be any bigger than I am now and he committed back.  We have to stick together!  Living a healthy life is a challenge and a fight against the natural man but we are strong and we will win the fight! I will see you in two years Elder Dalton.  I can’t wait to see what these next two years have in store for you. 


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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dancing in Laurel's Birthday surprise!

Not a great picture but I love the great memory I'll have forever of dancing in a flash mob for Laurel's Birthday. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Accepting Who I am Today

I have spoken with so many women and no one I speak with says, “ I love myself exactly the way I am.”  Everyone has something they need to change.  I know we are striving for perfection in this life and that we should desire change but can’t we still love ourselves? or Can we at least lovingly accept who we are and how we look today?

This has been a struggle for me.  I look in the mirror and my eyes go right to my trouble spots.  I never spend much time looking at the huge overall improvement or the areas that look great.  Well today I decided to be different.  I will love myself no matter what.  I have so much to be thankful for.  I especially need to be thankful for this body and the great opportunities I have been given because of it.  I need to appreciate it, warts and ALL!

So today after coming home from boot-camp at 6:30am I took this picture.  It is a little blurry but it is for me to appreciate where I am today.  I need pictures to remind me of my journey.  I now live a healthy life and numbers should not decide my happiness.


I don’t always see myself the way others do.  I am hard on myself and often only see the numbers on the scale.  I carry a lot of weight for many reasons (ex lrg bone structure, 5’1o.5” frame, extra skin, etc.) and so when I see others numbers on the scale I tend to compare my numbers to theirs.  I don’t think about their height being 5-10 inches shorter because I see those pounds difference and think I should weigh less!

I do not have a perfect body and will never have one;  BUT I do have a very healthy body and I need to celebrate that!

I challenge you to make one healthier choice every week and very soon you will be able to feel and see a difference in your body.


My lunch today:


Taco Salad

2 cups romaine lettuce

1 cup spinach

4 small mushrooms

1/4 cup homemade salsa

1/4 cup ground lean turkey

9 multigrain chips

Approx. 300 calories


1/2 cup  Fat Free/ Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding (1% milk)

with chocolate animal crackers (I ate 10 )

approx. 160 calories

Monday, February 6, 2012

I Am Blown Away

I am always blown away when people tell me that they sent other people to my blog for inspiration.  Of course that is really what I hope for for this the blog but it always shocks me.  I am just a SAHM living in a small community in Utah raising 5 kids. I found this article that is way too kind.  This is written by a woman who I have admired for years.  She is a “super woman” in my eyes. She is a mom to almost 9 children, a runner, a woman of faith, so creative and drop dead gorgeous (recent swimsuit model by peoples choice)! Thanks Catey!  It is because of women like you that I desire to become more than I am today.  I want to the best I can be when I see your incredible example.

Catey recently started a new blog and is helping some of her friends lose weight and live healthier lives. I found this post below on her new blog and was flattered beyond words.  

Real Life Inspiration

Meet my friend Becky at beckyloses200.blogspot.com.
Yep, you read "becky loses 200".  As in 200 pounds.
She is one amazing and inspiring woman!
Every time I see her around the neighborhood I am still blown away at the transformation she has made in her life.  She started out at 390 pounds and has dropped down under 200 now.  She has completely turned her life and her lifestyle around.  She has always been a sweet person, but she just absolutely beams now!  I swear the woman is always glowing!  And yes, even when she's not sweating. :)  She made a huge huge commitment and really dug in and got down to business and is one of those people that still must put in a concentrated effort every single day to maintain the changes she has made.

When you have a minute go peek around her blog.
Amazing things are possible!


WOW! I sit here in tears wondering if these words are really about me.  I have been feeling a little down on myself wondering how I can really keep this up forever and this is exactly what I needed to remind myself that I can do this.  I can get up everyday and make good choices.  I have done it and I will continue to do it. and

 You can do it too!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dressing Up - Valentine’s Dance

One day a year I get all fancied up with a new dress and jewelry and dance the night away with my sweetheart.  I love wearing a beautiful dress and feeling elegant.  Even though the theme was a luau this year and most people were in shorts or jeans I still dressed up because you can’t get me to part with a tradition that has been going on for 12 years.  My dress is second hand for $15 and I wanted my arms a little more covered so I bought 3 yards of brown and blue tulle.  I sure love to dress up!!!

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What I find interesting is the change I can see in my physique.  My upper body and core is so strong now.  I am much “straighter” and less curvy than I used to be since I have muscles there now. What’s great too is that it is a misses size 9/10!

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Some Ways to Stay Motivated

I love to search the internet for great information.  I try to read a couple new sites every day on topics regarding health and fitness.  Knowledge is power and I need all the power I can get to keep my weight, eating, exercise and overall health in balance.  Here are a few new sites I ran across that have some good ideas.  Nothing earth shattering is found on these sites and I’m sure you’ve heard most of it before but sometimes we need a little reminder to keep us going.



This is a link to a great article with 6 ideas that will help you keep going toward your weight loss goal.




This link is ideas for eating right.




Inspiration to keep exercising.


One of the best things I have learned is that life is a marathon not a sprint and you just have to tackle each day as it comes,  Right now I am LOVING exercising but still working to eat a little less but I am finding joy in everyday.  I am not beating myself up over not eating “perfectly”.  I am human and I do make mistakes.  Even my Heavenly Father doesn’t expect perfection from me right now but I sure will keep trying to do a little better each day.  We are ALL in this together.  We need each other to stay focused on this journey.  When I was was in the midst of losing weight I thought that once the weight was gone that I could relax on the exercise and eating but I was wrong.  To be healthy is a daily choice.  Some days the food wins and some days my health wins BUT I must never lose sight of my goal to be happy with who I am and how I feel!!!

Make a choice today that will bring you closer to reaching your goals!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I WON Kind-of

I entered my picture into a Facebook contest to win a free registration for the AF Canyon Half.  Well I didn’t get first place but I did get 2nd place with 195 votes over less than a weeks time.  I have the most amazing friends!!!! I just found out that I too get a free registration.  YEAAAAAAAA! 

Here is a great quote to keep you headed in the right direction.



Last week we purchased a new treadmill.  I had forgotten how good it felt to run.  Sadly I am not running nearly as fast I was in the fall but I am running.  I also registered for the American Fork Canyon Half Marathon today.  I am so excited to run this race again.  I need a goal to work toward and this is it!  It was my first half and it was an amazing course and for a great cause. If you don’t run I challenge you to try it.  Start out slow and build up to full on running.  I never imagined I could ever run and now here I am planning to run my 3rd half marathon!  What an incredible change!  You too can change.

  The POWER to CHANGE is within YOU!!!