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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Ability to Change

I am amazed by the ability to change. We very often underestimate the strength and determination within ourselves to allow change to occur.  Running the AF Canyon Half Marathon was exactly what I needed to feel good again about the changes that I’ve made. As I ran I thought back to the woman that I was just 2 short years ago. I would have never even dreamed of running at all and most definitely not a half marathon. I would have never thought that I could do 50 push ups. I remember not even earning the bronze medal for fitness because I couldn’t do just 4 push ups in Elementary School.

Change is within our grasp. It takes a lot of faith to change. We have to believe that we will become something that has not yet been seen. I also believe that in order for real lasting change to take place you need the help of Our Savior and Heavenly Father to change our hearts and minds.  When I started thinking that I could do it myself I quickly feel back into old habits. I know that I need a higher power to carry me each day as I face my temptations (food).

Over the past 4 months I had become pretty down on myself for gaining back 15 pounds or so and just was in kind of a slump.  Exercising has never been my issue but food is and I’m sure always be one of my vices.  It takes immense strength and determination not to eat the brownie, ice cream, fettuccini alfredo or any other fantastically delicious food that I love. I have been to lax in my food choices lately but I have a renewed determination to eat right.

I have a great reason to eat right and exercise like crazy. I need to be the best example of healthy living right now.  I am helping an incredible young man as he works to lose weight. My heart aches for him as he has a life long goal that is on hold until weight requirements are met. I love him as my own and wish I could do this for him.  I know of the struggle that he has ahead of him and the tough days that will come.  He will reach his goal and I know he’ll do it quickly and the right way.  I hope I can share with him all that I have learned these past two years so that his journey might be a little easier than mine was.

It always amazes me how life puts people, experiences and  opportunities in our path just at the right moment we need them or they need us.  Our Heavenly Father loves us so much that we are given incredible Earthly angels to help us along the way. This young man feels that I am helping him but the reality is that I need him just as much to get me back on track. I have changed once before and I will change again.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I did it!!! I didn’t just finish but totally rocked the race!!!  I even ran it like a real runner and everything. My time on my watch is 2:05!!!  I look forward to seeing what my adjusted time is in a few days but for now here are my results.
Almost to the finish line! (Thanks Kim for the picture.)

We did it!!!  Anna gave me the best birthday present ever (this race)!!!

Rebecca JONES

AF Canyon Half Marathon and 5k


Racer Number: 467
Gender: F
Age: 38
Chip Time Information
Actual Start Time: 00:00:00.000
Stop Time: 08:05:53.129
Chip Time: 02:06:29
Gun Time Information
Assigned Start Time: 05:59:23.300
Stop Time: 08:05:53.129
Gun Time: 02:06:29

Final Time: 02:06:29

Race Distance: Half Marathon
Overall Placing
Place: 557
Time Back: 01:35:39.000
Gender Placing
Place: 303
Time Back: 01:35:39.000
Division Placing
Half Female 35-39 Place: 58
Time Back: 00:37:47.000
No Name Interval Time Total Time Pace Overall Place Overall Back Gender Place Gender Back Divsion Place Division Back
1 07:10:30.730 07:10:30.730 691 +33:00 691 +33:00 74 +22:44
3 AM is very early!
I’ll have more pictures after Anna sends them to me but here are my before and after shots. I’ll write more later but I must say it was a life changing moment. I have a HOT DATE to go on so I better get ready.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am getting excited!

Just 3 days from now I will be able to say that I have run a half marathon.  I am so excited!  I had an awesome run Saturday, an easy run Monday then another awesome run today. Today I ran 6.25 miles and I feel so strong!  My overall average was 10:05 min/mile but for 1 mile of it I pushed to do a 8:40 min mile.  It felt soooo good to push myself a little.  My fastest speed was 7:35.  I am going to walk tomorrow and Friday so my body will be ready and rested for early Saturday morning.  I must say the waking up at 3:30am is kind of freaking me out but I guess they have to start early to get us out of the Canyon before traffic gets heavy.  I can't wait to post how things go.  Wish me luck!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thanks for the advice.

I am so thankful for all of the great advice I've received. I already do beans, quinoa, and brown rice but probably not as often as I should.  I am eating more sugar and processed items and I just need to stop "cold turkey".  I have printed the cleanse stuff from XLMIC and I'm going to try sticking just to the foods on the list.  Thanks again for all of the wonderful support. I'm going to eat right today!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Still Struggling With Food and I need help.

I just can't get my head into eating right.  I try and try and give in.  I am running better than ever which makes my body sooooo hungry and nothing other than lots of carbs will satisfy that hunger.  I've tried veggies and fruit and more fruit but I feel like I'm starving.  HELP!  For those of you that run, what do you eat so that you can lose weight at the same time as fueling you body enough to run long distances?

Monday, June 6, 2011

12.16 miles This Morning

I am getting prepared to run a 1/2 marathon in 19 days.  On Saturday Dan and I drove up to where it starts 8 miles up the canyon.  Wow that is FAR and quite steep.  I am a little concerned if my knees and back can handle descending 1000 feet over the 8 miles.  The last 5 miles are in town and pretty flat. Anyway, I needed to know if my body could go that far at any speed.  Last week I did 8.5 miles and my goal for this week was 10 miles.  I did better than that!  I did a 1 mile warm-up, ran 9.5 miles then did a co0l-down walk of 1.66.  Yeah ME!!!  I averaged 10:05 for the 9.5 miles running so I am pretty confident that I can do the 1/2 marathon with no tr0uble.  Next week I’ll try to do 12 miles again or maybe 14?!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thank goodness that everyday is a new beginning!

Everyday I wake up and make the choice to exercise or not, to eat right or not, to be happy or not and a million other decisions.  I have had a hard time being consistent with my choices lately and I don't like it!  I am so much happier when I am making ALL of the right choices at the same time.  So today I'm going to do my best to make ALL of the right choices and hopefully it will keep going tomorrow and the next day and the next.  I'm not perfect and I have been struggling a lot with food choices lately.  I never go crazy but I don't make the best choice.  I did make it the whole month of May without any solid chocolate.  Thank goodness the desire for chocolate chips is gone! It was really tough at first but now the desire is gone.  So here is to a new beginning and making good choices!