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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am getting excited!

Just 3 days from now I will be able to say that I have run a half marathon.  I am so excited!  I had an awesome run Saturday, an easy run Monday then another awesome run today. Today I ran 6.25 miles and I feel so strong!  My overall average was 10:05 min/mile but for 1 mile of it I pushed to do a 8:40 min mile.  It felt soooo good to push myself a little.  My fastest speed was 7:35.  I am going to walk tomorrow and Friday so my body will be ready and rested for early Saturday morning.  I must say the waking up at 3:30am is kind of freaking me out but I guess they have to start early to get us out of the Canyon before traffic gets heavy.  I can't wait to post how things go.  Wish me luck!


  1. GOOD LUCK!!! I trained for a half a few years ago and injured myself badly! I wasn't in near as good of shape as you are though.

    Have a great time!

  2. Look at you! A runner! An athlete!

    Well done, friend.
