Okay so I did take back the jeans but the unexpected ended up happening.
I decided rather than just return them that I would try pretty much every style on in the store and various sizes. What I found was that I have big calves and thighs. I already knew that but I can’t stand it if my knees feel restricted. Many of the 15 pairs were simply too tight in the leg to go any further. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t find anything I really liked. Even the $100 jeans didn’t fit my very curvy shape. Before giving up I grabbed a pair a size up of this years version of my favorite jeans.
I put them on and hmmm, they were a tad lose. Wow, back I went to the shelf and grabbed the same exact size as I have been wearing, you know the same size that bruised my hips because they were too tight. I felt crazy even trying them on but shockingly they fit!!! How could this be? I wasn’t really bigger than last year?
I told the sales lady of my adventure with the jeans and she said that you ALWAYS have to try on every pair of jeans because of the way they are cut out. Tons of pairs are cut out at the same time and of course the material is stacked on top of each other and the size varies a little. It is hard to believe they can vary so much or possibly I was totally bloated or something. Any way I did get one new pair. Last years still have some good wear still left in them. I sit here wearing my new jeans and feeling great. I feel so great that I had to take a ton of pictures to remind myself how great new clothes make you feel. The numbers on the scale are still 6 pounds over my “drop dead, never pass” weight but I keep trying. A new pair of jeans in a size I will only see in this exact pair of jeans at this store can really help you feel good, no great, no FANTASTIC!!!
I look at these pictures and can’t believe they are me. I don’t feel that I look like this. I see a much larger woman in the mirror. It must just be great camera angles right!? How can a woman a tad bit over 200 pounds look like that? My mind is having a hard time with that! I know I run, bike, yoga, do push ups and more stomach crunches than anyone should but
why can’t I just see the Becky everyone else sees?

If you love to see a smaller size on your jeans then you have to shop at Maurice’s. I love their regular Maurice’s $29.00 jeans. They are sized big so you get to see a number that you never would dream of fitting into.