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Friday, March 15, 2013

Am I Ready to be ME?

I was asked to be a guest blogger for a dear friend of mine. What a blessing is was to have to sit down and put a few of my thoughts and feeling down again. Writing is very therapeutic for me. I have put everything ahead of my health and well being and boy have I slid way off track. Gladly there is time to get back. We always have the ability to choose our path and I choose health and happiness. I begin today to become ME again. The ME I love to greet in the mirror. The ME that wants to go run and happily serves others. The ME I know I need to be!

Here is what I wrote:

The lady that lost over 200 pounds. The one that runs half marathons. The one that eats healthy and exercises religiously 5 days a week. She is toned, she looks healthy and fit. That was me…..until I let the things of life derail me. Gladly I am not too far gone that 3 months of intense attention to proper eating and exercise will fix things. I cringe every day I go to put on clothes. 15-20 extra pounds really makes for a huge muffin top in your favorite jeans that fit just right at Christmas. The question is, am I ready to change? AGAIN? Am I willing to let go of the unhealthy foods and the lazy body that doesn’t want to move? I am slowly working on this change. The food is still winning most hours of the day after 4pm. I have my started using my elliptical and treadmill again and it feels great to sweat.

Little changes every day will help me to eventually reach my goal to be healthy. I have decided that as much as the number on the scale reflects advancing toward my goal it is more important how I feel about my body. Right now I don’t like how I feel or look. I want to feel true to myself. I know what healthy feels like. To go out and breeze through 4 mile runs without effort, to eat right and not want the sweets, to slide easily into those favorite jeans and feel fantastic. I WANT THAT AGAIN! I REALLY DO!

The question is…. Am I really ready to change my way of thinking and DO what is required? YES, I think so. Not too convincing is it? I still love food I have a food addiction. I am overeating terribly. I need to rely on my Savior and Heavenly Father more to remove this from me.

 I know I can conquer this trail as I have in the past but it is hard. It requires a strength beyond that which I possess. I need heavenly help to achieve my goals. I must become humble and seek that help. I know that is the only way I will reach my goals.

 I can do this hard things. 

I can BECOME who I want to be. 

 I can REACH HIGHER and DO BETTER. I can be ME!

 I can do this hard thing. 

I can BECOME who I want to be.


 I can be ME!


  1. Oh Becky so right there with you and so wishing I wasn't I have now gained back 40 pounds or only lost 70 pounds. They both sound wrong to me but ............I just don't know how right now..........I just don't feel strong enough.

  2. Have you seen this lately?

    ok - blogger wouldn't let me attach the file - look up

    109 Yr Old Holocaust Survivor: "Look for the Beauty in Life"

    on youtube. I might just put it on my blog today - after I ride my bike trainer in my basement - FUN! - did you sense the sarcasm? ( I'm trying to see the beauty in life - I'll find it )

    We are strong enough with his grace - one hour at a time - that's what I'm working with today.... keep fighting the fight.
