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Saturday, June 15, 2013

TODAY- June 15th- Race Day- My 5th Half Marathon


3:30 am all showered and ready to go pick up Anna!


Anna and I just before heading to get on the bus to bring us up to the start of the race.


All finished! Anna got a personal record!!!


Twinners! Love and miss you Dad!


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IMG_6959I am so proud of my 5 half marathons!  The 13.1 is for the Halloween Half. (Dan didn’t want a pirate skull and cross bones on the van.) :-)


  1. Wahoooooo love Becky so proud!

  2. Well done, Becky! I love the stickers! I put a "swim/bike/run" sticker and a "70.3" on my car, but that's all I'll allow on it. All the other stickers go on the old Expedition, which has turned into a teen mobile, so the random collection of running, tri, and biking stickers plastered all over the back of it fit it's personality.
