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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The New Look

What do you think?  Erica did a fantastic job at capturing my vision for the blog.  The separate pages aren't working yet but they will soon.  I love the header.  The before picture of me looks happy but my eyes are not open to all that life has to offer me.  After of course is a fit woman who has her eyes wide open to all that life can give.  I'll write more later but I'm just so excited for the new look!  Go check out www.thefairyblogmother.com


  1. Love it! So simple, but conveys such a powerful message. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration. I frequently refer to you with a couple of my clients who are struggling. Thank you!

  2. AWESOME!!! I love it love how you described the pictures. Oh you so deserve this yeah!!! Happy New Year. (Picture us toasting with Green smoothies) :)
