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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Races of 2011-Nothing is Impossible

I ran 3 races in 2011.  I ran my first ever half marathons, the American Fork Half and the Provo Halloween Half and one 5k.  I even ran them like a real runner with good times barely over 2 hours (2:05 and 2:01)! (They did have some good down hill assist with the good timing.)  My 5 K run was several minutes faster than my previous time too!  Not bad for a woman who only started running in May of 2010! AND was weighing in at 390 pounds just 2 years before!!!

Right now I’m stuck inside without a working treadmill and I long to run!  I know many who run no matter what the weather or temperature but my lungs just don’t like the cold air.  These pictures brought a smile to my face reminding me of how capable my body is of things a I once never believed were possible.

Never say it is IMPOSSIBLE!
Change it to I’M POSSIBLE!


After posting this today I found this actual quote that I didn’t even know existed out there:



  1. Whoa, Love that first picture, I have yet to find a great running picture. Ok and then we get to the quote. Wow, love the post sweetheart.

  2. Love that quote (and Audrey Hepburn), and this post. I've always wanted to run a 5k. Maybe this year I will. :)
