WOW! AMAZING! FANTASTIC! UNBELIEVABLE! INCREDIBLE! That's how I am feeling right now. The best thing about it is that I did it all myself (with Heavenly Father's help and lots of support from my earthly angels). NO surgery, No pills, No fad diets!
Today it is about the numbers! (190.6 pounds LOST!) My weight no longer begins with a 2!!!
I haven't seen these numbers since 1985. Yep, 25 years ago! I will begin my 37th year of life in just 12 days as a healthy fit woman who takes care of her body. I have finally learned that I need to put myself first then everyone else gets the best of me too.
I wish I could fully describe the emotions that I'm feeling inside. For the first time in my life I like my body. I love the fact that I can do pretty much whatever I want without my size hindering me. There were too many times when I simply couldn't do something because I was over the weight limit. I remember all the way back to Regional YW Camp (14 yrs old) and the Huge Bungee Elastic that they had. All the other girls were pulled back and had the ride of a lifetime. They ended up high in the air and looked so happy. When my turn came around I was pulled back and rather than fly high up to the sky I never left the ground and ended up being dragged in the dirt. It is still so painful to think back to those many memories that mark my previous 36 years of life.
I am so very thankful for my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ, that love me so much that They answered my desperate pleas though prayer and have given me the strength to overcome a lifetime of habits. They are the only ones with the power to create such great change. If we are willing to turn our selves over to Them anything is possible.
The NEW me! Happy, confident, ready to take on the world!!!
(My new hair cut and color. I love it!!!)
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