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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Proud of Myself

I might be eating everything under the sun and too much of it BUT this morning when I was awake at 5:30am I put on my running shoes and did a 2.15 mile run/jog in the beautiful breeze. I feel so BIG!!! My picture was on the front page of the newspaper and I had to cringe a bit. I am embarrassed by how big I have gotten. Camera angels do wonders but the truth is I am 40 pounds heavier than I should be. That is A LOT!!! I need to free myself from the FOOD! I know I can do this! I just have to decide to do it! But for today I am celebrating RUNNING!!! It felt so good!


Monday, September 9, 2013

Just Do IT!!!

It was kinda tough  but I DID IT! I put on my running clothes and went for a short 1 1/2 mile jog with the dogs this morning. I took it easy and ran slow but I did IT! I need to keep making these easy but sometimes very difficult decisions and before I know it I will reach my goals. 


Sunday, September 8, 2013

This Weeks Review


I haven’t been worrying too much about eating and exercise. I have tried to simply take care of physical tasks like tilling and laying sod. Walking to meet the kids after school, walking the dogs, riding my bike over to work. Little things. Eating what I feel like and trying nit to overeat. I even gave in and bought some new dress pants that fit. They are a size I didn’t want to buy but hey I must cover this body. I feel happier than I have in a long time because I am focusing on my family, serving others and just finding happiness in the little things. I even bought myself my first ever footie pajamas. I always wanted some as a kid but I was too big to fit into them. They were just $4 and the thrift store. Silly I know but they are fun!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Course Correction


I posted a very lofty goal a couple weeks ago and at the time I was determined that no matter what I was going to reach it.  The proIMG_2712blem with the goal is that my mind was overwhelmed with the goal. I wasn't in balance. The battle of balance is hard for me. I am still working toward being healthy but I am starting to realize that my happiness is not determined by the number on the scale.

I am an average size American woman. I feel pretty healthy. I am eating more calories than maybe I should be but I am jogging again.I am trying to make healthier choices most of the time.  It sure feels good to feel my running shoes hitting the pavement and to get all sweaty and smelly.  I feel more toned and tight.  I am much larger than I like my body to be but for now I need to find happiness in it. The scale is going away for now. I don’t find happiness in the numbers. I just need to focus on my spiritual growth and also focus more on my role as a wife and mother. When I focus on those things the healthier me seems to emerge without much work.

So I am still working on my weight goal but it isn’t my focus. I think all of need a course correction every now and then.  I seem to need quite a few lately. I am really enjoying life right now even in this bigger-than-I want-to-be body.