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Thursday, November 18, 2010

He Hears My Prayers

I have always known that my Heavenly Father loves me and cares for me.  How could I ever deny Him after all of the incredible blessings I have been given.  It is wonderful when in small and simple things our prayers are answered.  I have slowly watched the scale rise as I have not gone running the past 2 weeks since the weather is cold. I have been working out faithfully on the elliptical but it hasn’t been enough. Even doing it for an hour a night the scale keeping rising. I have been getting very down about it and it has sadly transferred to the way that I have been reacting to my children.  I lost it big time and yelled and threw a big fit last night.  I said things to them that I didn’t mean and would never do. I didn’t like that woman at all and I knew something had to change.  I didn’t know what,  but Heavenly Father knew what I needed.

  I was so excited to go to the Kick Boxing class at the Church this morning but Laura threw up right before time to walk out the door.  The doom and gloom of mediocre exercise came over me.  I guess I’ll just get back on the exercise bike, I haven’t done that for a while.  I sat on the bike for a minute and thought about how much I miss running!  Can you believe it I love the feeling of running and especially how AMAZING I feel after I run.  I looked at the broken treadmill and wondered if it might start up for me.  Last year it smelled really hot and wouldn’t go over 1 mile/hour.  It had sat for 8 months so why not try it.

This isn’t the first time in my house that an appliance or electrical equipment has been prayed to work.  I looked at the belt, blew off some worn off rubber, rearranged the covering a little and prayed that it would work and IT DID!  I don’t know if it will work again but for today my body felt free.  I feel amazing physically and my spiritual bucket is full knowing that My Heavenly Father cares enough to allow me to run!  I ran the best I have ever run!  I ran 4 miles in 39 minutes and it felt freeing.  I could feel the weight that has been holding me down flying off my shoulders. I am so thankful for answered prayers!!!.


  1. I love this story and your blog. I'm so glad I found you!

