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Thursday, August 11, 2011


We have been on vacation this week. We've been gone all day doing fun stuff then home at night. The problem that I'm running into is that I have allowed my eating to be on vacation too. I';m not eating terribly but a dessert here and there and the quantity a lot more than normal. I was so much stricter last year with my eating habits. I need to get back to that place mentally. I really want and need to lose 10-15 pounds. I have some extra around my middle that my clothes just won't accommodate. The thing is is that I know what I need to do but I just haven't committed myself to do it yet. Why? Why can't I just make the change today and do what I know I need to do? AHHHH! I am frustrated with myself and my lack of will power. I keep thinking that once the kids are back in school that I'll get completely back on track. Maybe I have needed this break. I didn't need a break last summer, why this summer?

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I am so NORMAL! I wish I was some freak sometimes that never wanted to eat sugar or taste the fattening butter sauce but I'm not. I want it all but I know what eating it will do to my body, my mind and my spirit. Moderation I know is the key but for me one taste often sends me into crazy cravings. One day at a time I guess. So now it's off to the water park for the day. I better run up some of the stairs today to those slides!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is not easy finding that balance. Last summer you were still in emeergency/losing weight mode. This summer you are trying to live a "normal" life. But you haven't had much experience of what that is really have you? You'll find your balance; keep trying but don't beat yourself up about it.

    What you've achieved is great and you're not going to let it go.

    Lesley xx
