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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Real Life: Being a Mom

I usually leave my personal stuff, not weight and health related stuff,  for my family blog over at www.myreasontosmile.blogspot.com, but this is our very first broken bone.  Life is not all about eating right and exercise.  My most important callings in this life are that of wife and mother.  This is real life putting exercise on the back burner so I can take care of my son! What an experience. So I’ve decided to post it on both blogs. 

Watch the slide show to see how this adventure played out.  Brandon was the photographer of the pictures of the girls and I playing basketball.  This all happened in 5 min after dinner.  Brandon had been working hard to really master the rip stick all evening and in just a couple minutes down he went. We went outside about 6:50pm and we were headed to the Insta Care at 7:05pm then sent right from there to Riverton Hospital.  The hospital staff and the doctors and surgeon were AMAZING!!! We finally arrived back home around 12:30am and Brandon was in bed asleep by 1am.  At the insta care his fingers were blue because his main artery in his hand was being pinched by the break and the artery was spasaming.  Very scary!!!  The nurse sent us directly on to the hospital since his break was too bad and complex and would require a surgeon to set it. He had been given a priesthood blessing by his Dad and Bishop Dalton before leaving for the hospital and that brought us a lot of comfort.  Brandon is one very special and very BRAVE boy.  We love him so much and I look forward to really serving him a lot during the next 8 weeks as his arm heals.

Note: This is his right arm and he won’t be completely healed until May 11th or so.  I guess I’ll be his scribe for a while until he can do it on his own.

Some of my thoughts the the late night of and morning after as posted on facebook: 

Finally home from the hospital and Brandon is tucked into bed. I never want to repeat this evening again!!! It is going to be a long 8 weeks until his arm is healed. All of the pictures from our adventure are on www.myreasontosmile.blogspot.com Wow it is a BAD break!!! The orthopedic surgeon and ER Doctors and all of the nurses were amazing!!! Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers.
Yes both bones broken. The one is a light shadow at a 45 degree angle. Where the other is completely under the other by an inch. It was a horrible experience seeing him in so much pain. The worst part was his reaction to the anesthesia. He is a thrasher. It took 2 doctors and 2 nurses to hold him down until his body relaxed. I had to just close my eyes and pray. I have never been so thankful for skilled doctors and nurses. I hope when he wakes up this morning that we can control his pain. Nothing worse for a mother than to see your child in pain!


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Doctor Brady, the orthopedic surgeon was AMAZING!!!!

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His broken arm with the orthopedic surgeons hand holding it. OUCH!!!


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One very talented orthopedic surgeon man handled his bad break and got it perfectly back in place!

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Much better with a strawberry shake from In N Out!



A very heartfelt thank you to my next door neighbor and best friend Stace Dalton and her family for first splinting Brandon’s arm to make his trip to the hospital more comfortable, the Bishop for assisting in a priesthood blessing and then taking in my other kids and spoiling them while we were at the hospital.  Thank you also to Anna (my little sister) for coming over to put the kids to bed.  It wasn’t an easy task and I appreciate her waiting at the house till we got home after midnight, close to 1am. 

We are blessed with so many earthy angels.  Thank you to everyone who prayed, we could feel your love and the love of our Heavenly Father.


  1. Totally crying! I am so sorry and so glad everything is kind of ok! Its funny I was thinking about you a lot yesterday, couldn't really understand why but now it makes more sense remember that someone in Canada is praying for you! Try to not get to run down! I am praying for you and your family!

  2. O wow!!!! Poor guy :( That x-ray is so super scary. We've yet to experience broken bones in our household...keeping fingers crossed!

    I hope he heals quickly and thoroughly :)
