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Monday, February 27, 2012

I’ve got some work to do!

scrimshaw 021scrimshaw 014

These pictures aren’t horrible (other than the fact that they are blurry) but I want them to be better than this.  The last 2 weeks my life has been stress, stress, stress!!!  I am feeling bloated and chubby.  I still haven’t gotten on the scale and I’m determined to eat better this week.  Hopefully some of the stress and craziness will calm down so that my body and mind can focus on health again.  Sadly this is the cycle of daily life.  I am determined not to let my body go and to continue to do what I can to stay healthy.  I did boot-camp class at 5:15am and now my goal is to do a light 5k run without changing speed on the treadmill unless I increase the speed.  I haven’t run much with life being so crazy.  I’ll report back as to how it goes.  Don’t ever give up on your self no matter what!!!


UPDATE: I did it!  I started out the treadmill at 5 miles per hour (12 min/mile) then at 1/4 mile went up to 5.5 miles per hour (10.9 min/mile).  At 2 miles I bumped it up to 6 miles per hour (10 min/mile) then at 2.8 bumped it up to 6.5 miles per hour (9.2 m in/mile) and then at 3.1 miles I took the last tenth of a mile up to 7 miles per hour (8.5 min/mile). Not fast but great for not running for so long. I did a cool down at 4 miles/hour for the last .8 miles to get my heart rate down. Then some stretching.  I wanted to quit so many times but I wrote my goal down here for all of you to see so I wasn’t going to fail. 

I can do hard things!!!

 001Here I am after the run.  2 sweat sessions so far today.  I’ll probably make it 3 by working out tonight while watching TV.  Have a fabulous day and remember YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!


  1. Go you!! You look great! But I do understand what you're feeling. I hope the stress dies down a bit for you. I also pray that you and your family will be comforted during the difficult times. Love ya!

    I am really struggling lately to get back into a good mindset. I plan on going for a run tonight...haven't done that in years, but I've been itching to go and getting sick of the Insanity videos. Wish me luck!!

  2. Isn't ridiculous how much exercise can change our mind set and mood. I really love this post because it is just about getting it done. It acknowledges that we sometimes don't really get to be in charge of our lives but we can always come back to focus on what is really important and that is taking care of our body! It is a fight but one worth fighting.

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